Newsletter - 15th September 2022
We continue to be in the official time of mourning following the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. As you will be aware, Monday 19th September is a Public Holiday for the funeral, therefor school will be closed. Thank you all so much for a fantastic start to the new school year. The children are all working hard and the atmosphere in school is incredibly positive. We would love more parents and family members to get involved in school and there are a number of ways you can do this. • Join in Friends of Skerton St Luke’s (FOSSL) activities. All parents of pupils at the school are automatically members of FOSSL so anyone can come along to meetings and join in with all fundraising etc. The next meeting is on Friday 16th September at 9.15am in the Cabin on the school playground. For more information email friends of or DM on Facebook • Become a School Governor. School governors are volunteers who work together with the headteacher and the local authority to improve education and other outcomes for all pupils. The governors meet as a full governing body three times per year. If you would like to know more about this role please contact Mrs Armistead on 01524 65445 or email • Volunteer to listen to children read. If you have some time to spare, a good grasp of written English, and if you enjoy spending time with children, you could become a school reader. For more information please contact Mrs Goodwin on 01524 65445 or email • Offer to lead an after school club/ lunch time club in the Spring or Summer Term. We love offering different extra-curricular activities to the children in school. If you have a particular skill that you would like to share with children then consider offering to lead a club in school. Some examples might be gardening, sewing or cooking. For information please contact Miss Garnett on 01524 65445 or email • Join Drop In on Wednesday straight after school. Parents can join their child in the classroom to chat about and see what they have been learning. No need to book, just turn up. Kind Regards, Mrs Armistead
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