Meet our Governors
Ms Judith Gault, Co-opted Governor, Chair of Governors
Appointment November 2022, Term of Office ends November 2026.
Ms Gault is not a governor at another school and does not have a declared business interest.

Mr Marcus Harding, Foundation Governor (PCC)
Appointment July 2024. Term of Office ends July 2028.
Mr Harding is not a governor of another school and does not have a declared business interest.
I have been a parent governor at Skerton St. Luke’s for just over eight years now. I became a parent governor because my son had started in Reception and I was keen to become more involved with the school. Being a Primary School Teacher myself, I felt that I could help the Governing Body by having insight into educational systems.
At Skerton St. Luke’s, I have run events such as Quiz Nights and have run the Bingo Nights for a number of years.

Mrs Sandra Thornberry, Local Authority Governor.
Appointment December 2022, Term of Office ends December 2026.
Mrs Thornberry is a governor at Stepping Stones PRU. Mrs Thornberry does not have a declared business interest.
I have been a governor at St Luke’s for over four years and am now Vice Chair. I was appointed as a Foundation Governor and am now a Local Authority Governor.
I have been involved with local schools for many years. I taught at Our Lady’s Catholic College for 30 years and my children went to Skerton Primary School. I campaigned as Chair of Governors to save Skerton Primary from closure. I am currently Chair of the governing Committee at Stepping Stones Pupil Referral Unit in Lancaster. I was delighted to be invited to join the governors at St Luke’s.
St Luke’s is a very warm and caring school, with a strong inclusive ethos. All the staff work hard to respond to pupils’ individual needs and abilities. I enjoy being part of such a friendly and welcoming school.

Mr Chris Greenwood, Ripley Trust.
Appointment April 2023. Term of Office ends April 2027.
Mr Greenwood is not a governor of another school and does not have a declared business interest.
I am the father of 2 girls who both started their education at St Luke’s. I believe the academic and social education a child receives at the early stages of their school life is so important in shaping their future. I attribute much of the achievements of my girls to the great start they received a St Luke’s. While my children were attending the school I had the privilege of being the chairman of the PTA, during that time I gained great respect for the work the school does with so many young people. I hope over the next 4 years to help keep the school vision and add my support to the teachers and staff at St Luke’s.

Mr Steven Anderson, Foundation Governor
Appointment April 2021. Term of Office ends April 2025.
Mr Anderson is not a governor of another school and does not have a declared business interest.

Cllr Sarah Punshon, Foundation Governor (PCC)
Appointment December 2021, Term of Office ends December 2025.
Cllr Punshon is not a governor at another school and does not have a declared business interest.
I am the founding Artistic Director of One Tenth Human, a small charity based in Lancaster which creates theatrical adventures inspired by Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths (STEM), with extraordinary children, artists, and scientists.
I moved to Lancaster in 2017, to take up my post as Artistic Director of The Dukes, Lancaster. Although I am no longer full-time at the Dukes, I often work with them as a freelancer, directing shows for family audiences in the Park or at Christmas.
I am passionate about children achieving their full potential regardless of background, and I’m delighted to have been accepted as a governor at St Luke’s.

Mrs Ellie Shepherd, Ripley Trust
Appointment March 2023, Term of Office ends March 2027.
Mrs Shepherd is not a governor at another school and does not have a declared business interest.

Mr Nigel Davis Foundation Governor
Appointment May 2023, Term of Office ends May 2027.
Mr Davis is not a governor at another school and does not have a declared business interest.
Mr Robin Mulholland-Helme, Parent Governor
Appointment September 2024, Term of Office ends August 2028.
Mr Mulholland-Helme is not a governor at another school and does not have a declared business interest.

Mr Stephen Brandley, Parent Governor
Appointment September 2024, Term of Office ends August 2028.
Mr Brandley is not a governor at another school and does not have a declared business interest.

Rev Nikki Mann, Foundation Governor (Ex-Officio)
Rev Nikki Mann is not a governor at another school and does not have a declared business interest.

Mrs Catherine Armistead, Headteacher
Mrs Armistead does not have a declared business interest.
Mrs Armistead attend meetings and contribute in the capacity as Headteacher.

Miss Rachel Stephenson, Staff Governor
Appointment December 2017. Term of Office ends December 2025.
Miss Stephenson is not a governor of another school and does not have a declared business interest.

Mrs Kathryn Goodwin, Observer
Appointment September 2021. Term of Office ends September 2025.
Mrs Goodwin is not a governor of another school and does not have a declared business interest.