Music Lessons
Music in the Curriculum
The children at Skerton St Luke’s have access to quality music education right the way through the school, from Reception to Year 6. In the early Years, music is incorporated consistently into daily routines, and is used to enhance teaching of the core curriculum. In KS1 and KS2, pupils participate in weekly music assemblies and a one hour curriculum music lesson with their class teacher, or a specialist music teacher.
Extra-Curricular Opportunities
Children have the opportunity to join in a number of musical extracurricular clubs throughout the year. Each year we perform a number of musical dramatic productions, including a musical nativity for Reception and Key Stage 1, a musical Christmas-themed production for Key Stage 2, and a summer dramatic production. We also offer the children opportunities to participate annually in local and regional musical activities, including Lancaster Priory Children’s Voice Workshop and carol singing at St John’s Hospice; participating in Lancaster Priory’s Christmas Spectacular concerts; singing at Manchester Arena in Young Voices; and workshops with touring musical specialists such as Apollo 5 and The Sixteen. We also work in close partnership with our Ripley Trust partner school, Ripley St Thomas Academy.
Individual Instrumental Lessons
Key Stage 2 pupils also have the opportunity to learn instruments from our visiting peripatetic teachers. Individual music lessons currently on offer include Keyboard, Violin, Guitar and Ukulele.
Music Staff
Mrs Armistead - Music Lead
Mr Foster – Keyboard and Violin teacher.
Mr Purves – Guitar and Ukulele teacher.