Newsletter - Monday 9th May 2022
Thank you to those of you who completed the Parent Carer Survey last term. I have analysed what you have said, shared your positive and complimentary feedback with staff and governors and taken on board your suggestions and concerns. As the survey was anonymous I am unable to talk directly to those parents who had specific concerns and so would encourage anyone who is unhappy about something to contact me directly so I can deal with the issues. I have actioned a number of issues raised in your feedback: You said: Online parents evening is not long enough. We did: We hope to return to face to face parents evenings following Covid restrictions. We know that 10 minutes twice a year is not long enough to share all that we know about your child. We encourage you to come into school to as many activities as possible. Starting in June, we will have open classrooms after school each Wednesday from 3.20pm – 3.45pm. Please feel free to come into school and see what your child has been learning. You said: School has taken a long time to get back to normal following the pandemic. We did: As the country was opening up we continued to keep social distancing in place as we were struck by further ‘waves’ of Covid amongst pupils and staff. Our risk assessments will always look at the health and safety for this school. Other schools make their decisions following their own risk assessments for their setting. During the Spring Term we had a number of staff absences due to covid and other illnesses, we managed to cover this amongst ourselves and not close classes. Since Easter we have been able to invite parents into school for more activities. We thank you for your patience and will continue to assess the risk as we go forward into the summer term. Please do join us in school for Friday Celebration at 9.10 each week. Further in school activities are shared on our school newsletter. Some positives include: The teachers and staff have done an amazing job throughout Covid. Thank you. My child loves school. The school have really helped me as a parent. Thank you. If you have further concerns, questions or feedback please get in touch via Mrs Armistead
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