Newsletter - Tuesday 14th June 2022
Welcome back to the second half of the summer term. We have another busy half term in school so please note all of the upcoming dates and events at the end of this newsletter. As you will have seen, the building works are now nearing completion and children can already access classrooms from the external doors onto the playground. This has had a huge impact in school all ready. Please be aware that these doors access straight into the classrooms, so do not knock on doors or peer through windows as this will disrupt learning in the classrooms. All children arriving late MUST come to the main entrance with a parent in order to sign them in. Currently the entrance is across the playground, next to the hall. We anticipate that in the next couple of weeks the new front entrance will be accessible, in which case visitors and late arrivals will come to the front of school. We will let you know when this happens If you have further concerns, questions or feedback please get in touch via Mrs Armistead
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