Newsletter - Tuesday 11th June

There are lots of fun activities and trips organised for the last half of the summer term. Please keep an eye on Parent App to receive all of the latest information, including dates for special events.
European Cup Celebration Day
On Thursday 20th June we will be holding a European Cup Celebration Day. There will be special activities throughout the day including a Euros Lunch. Children are encouraged to come dressed in their favourite team’s colours or kit on that day.
Sports Day
10.00am – 11.30am Key Stage 1 (YR – Y2)
1.30pm – 3.10pm Key Stage 2 (Y3 – Y6)
You are all invited, including grandparents and siblings, to watch our fantastic sports day on FRIDAY 14TH JUNE! Please note, there is no access to toilet facilities for guests on the field. Please ensure your child is wearing their; -HOUSE T-SHIRT -BLACK BOTTOMS/SHORTS -TRAINERS
Family Sports Night and Summer Fair
We will be holding our annual Family Sports Night on Thursday 4th July after school (sports events start at 4pm) – 6.00pm. There will be lots of stalls and prizes to be won at the Summer Fair. For the sports event, family groups of two adults and up to three children are invited to register their team and take part in loads of fun sporting activities. This is always a great night and people always enjoy the get together. Forms to register your team will be sent out soon.
Please park considerately around our school and keep our children safe!
We have had a number of complaints from residents of the new housing estate next to school. We have been informed that parents are parking inconsiderately by blocking resident’s driveways and some are parking dangerously at the junction or on the Zig-Zag lines, causing visibility issues for vehicles exiting the junction and pedestrians of all ages who are crossing the road. Lancashire County Council have informed us that if anyone parks in a restricted area, they could face a fine of £70 – we recently had a traffic warden outside issuing these fines. Restricted areas include: Zig zags and school entrances, dropped kerbs, resident’s driveways and opposite or within 10 meters of a junction – so that children can see cars and cars can see children.
Reverend Nikki Mann
Rev Nikki will be ordained Priest on Saturday 29th June at Blackburn Cathedral. Once she is ordained she will take over as Curate-in-charge of St Luke’s and St Chad’s. We are very excited by this news and look forward to working with her as she continues the work she has already started in Skerton and Ryelands.
Mrs Hatton is retiring
At the end of this school year, Mrs Hatton will be retiring after 32 years working at St Luke’s School. We are planning some special celebrations to say thank you for all her hard work over the years. As we put together a memory book, we would love for you or your children, to share memories and thoughts that we could add to this book. If you would like to add a thought, memory or message for Mrs Hatton, please email them to Mrs Armistead and these will be added to the memory book.
If you would like to add a donation towards a gift, please put your donation in an envelope and label it for the attention of Mrs Armistead. Your name will be added to Mrs Hatton’s card once Mrs Armistead has received them.

We are having two full Transition Days in school this year. Thursday 11th July and Monday 15th July. The children will meet their teacher for next year and spend these two days learning with them in their new classrooms. Parents are invited to come to school on Monday 15th July at 2.30pm to meet their child’s/ children’s new teacher and join them in class finding out about all that they will do next year.
St Luke's Mission Weekend
St Luke’s Church are holding a Mission Weekend from Friday 21st June to Sunday 23rd June. There will be lots of fun activities starting with an Ambassadors Family Football session and finishing with a Family Service at St Luke’s Church. The children are invited to come and sing during this service.
Community Football Fun Afternoon
Skerton St. Luke's Primary School
Friday 21st June 3:45 - 5:30pm
Football Games for children and young people
Outdoor Games
Activities for Pre-School age children
All free
(Please note, this event is separate from Girls Football on a Friday. Anyone who wants to attend the Church event must collect their child from school and attend the event with them.)
St. Luke's Church Celebration Service at St. Luke's Church
Sunday 23rd June
4pm - 5pm
A light tea will be served after the service.
St. Luke's School Children as special guests.
A fun, relaxed and informal all-age service with music.
Everyone is welcome
There will be no charge for refreshments but any donations made to the church are welcome.
Ice Lollies
Ice Lollies will be on sale outside Y3 after school on Wednesday 12th, 19th and 26th June. Ice lollies will be priced between 50p and £1.00 so please bring the correct change.
Dates for your Diary | |
Thursday 13th June | Reception Class to visit Leighton Moss, STEM Day in school & 3.30pm Confirmation Group |
Friday 14th June | 10.00am KS1 Sports Day & 1.30pm KS2 Sports Day |
Thursday 20th June | Euros Dress up and lunch |
Friday 21st June – Sunday 23rd June | St Luke’s Mission Weekend |
Monday 24th June | 5.00pm Full Governors |
Tuesday 2nd July | Year 2 Climbing Wall Trip |
Thursday 4th July | Election Day /American Independence Day Lunch & After school - 6.00pm Family Sports Night (starts at 4pm) & Summer Fair |
Friday 5th July | Year 3 and 4 to Trough of Bowland |
Wednesday 10th July | Animal Care visit school |
Thursday 11th July | Transition Day |
Monday 15th July | Transition Day - 2.30pm Parents to attend to meet the teacher |
Thursday 18th July | 6pm Year 6 Oscars at Morecambe Football Club |
Friday 19th July | 9am - Leavers service at Church (all children to be dropped off at Church), 1pm Leavers assembly in school (parents welcome), 2pm school finishes |