Newsletter - Friday 9th June 2023

Welcome back to the final half term of this year. Where has the year gone? During this half term we have lots of activities and trips that will include being outdoors. Please ensure children have hats and water bottles with them every day. It may seem cooler some mornings but it can quickly heat up on the field and when we are out and about. Please put sunscreen on before school so that your child is protected from the start of the day.
Backpacks in school
We remind you regularly not to bring backpacks into school. For health and safety reasons, we cannot have backpacks in the school building. Whilst we appreciate this can be a challenge for some children, we need you to appreciate that we don’t have the room in school to store them safely. Please ensure all children use a school book bag to carry books and equipment to and from school. Book bags are available to purchase from the school office for £7.50.
Lancashire County Council operate a NO DOGS policy on all Council property. The school grounds are council property. DO NOT BRING DOGS ONTO THE SCHOOL GROUNDS.
Many of our parents and children have had bad experiences and are wary of dogs. Please do not have dogs on leads around the entrances and exits around the school grounds.
Food Boxes
As you may be aware there is a huge demand for boxes and support from the local food banks and they do an amazing job in helping people in our community. We continue to be fortunate enough to receive donations from Rapid Relief Team who provide boxes with food that has a long shelf life for people to access. If you, or anyone you know, could do with support from this charity, please contact Mrs Armistead direct to arrange – OR 01524 65445.
A huge thank you to the members of Friends of Skerton St Luke’s. Without these volunteers we would be unable to run the amazing activities we do for our children. Every parent is automatically a member of FOSSL so please come and join in with anything you can to help raise much needed funds to help our children have the best opportunities they can.
Activities that are coming up include:
St Luke’s Got Talent – 5.00pm Wednesday 14th June
Bags to School – prepare now to bring along unused clothing etc on Wednesday 28th June
Family Fun and Summer Fair – 5.00pm Tuesday 4th July
Choir Church
Choir Church continues to meet each Wednesday after school. The children are learning lots of hymns and singing as part of the Eucharist service. You are all invited to join us for the next Eucharist on Wednesday 28th June at 3.40pm. The priest leading the service will be Archdeacon David Picken. The archdeacon has visited our school before and was very impressed by the knowledge and understanding of our pupils. Please come and join us as we worship together at the end of the school day.
Family Fun and Summer Fair
Each year we hold a Family Fun night in conjunction with the Summer Fair.
To enter the Family Fun night please join as a team of maximum; two adults and three children. £5.00 per team to enter. There will be a number of activities to complete on the night and the winning team receives a cash prize.
Friday 23rd June will be Mufti Day for Tombola prizes. If your child dresses in their own clothes, please donate a prize that can be used on the Tombola at the fair.
Mrs Pace is retiring after 24 years working at St Luke’s. We are putting together a memory book and would love to add any messages or memories that you would like to share. We are also doing a collection for a retirement present. If you would like to make a donation please hand this into the school office in an envelope marked Mrs Pace. Please add your name/s so that we can ensure your names are on a retirement card for her.
If you or someone you know would like to share a memory/ story/ photograph, please send to
Dates for your Diary | |
14/06/23 | Sports Day |
16/06/23 | Year 3 Sharing |
21/06/23 | Reception visit to Leighton Moss |
23/06/23 | Year 2 visit to Greenlands Farm |
26/06/23 | 4.00pm Full Governors |
28/06/23 | Bags to School & 3.40pm Choir Church Eucharist - all welcome |
02/07/23 | 11am All Age Service - St Luke's Church |
04/07/23 | 5.00pm Family Fun and Summer Fair |
07/07/23 | Year 1 Sharing and Year 3 & 4 visit to Abbeystead Estate |
11/07/23 | 1.00pm Transition afternoon in school |
13/07/23 | 6.30pm Year 6 Production |
13/07/23 | 9.00am Transition morning in school |
14/07/23 | End of year reports to go out |
20/07/23 | 6.00pm Year 6 Oscars |
21/07/23 | 9.00am Leavers Service - St Luke's Church. 1.00pm Final Assembly. 2.00pm School Finishes |