Newsletter - 25th March 2024

Easter at St Luke’s. Easter garden competition - handheld gardens to be brought to the school hall on Wednesday 27th March to enter your year's competition. On Wednesday 27th March, we will be having an Easter Lunch: Mrs Tiggy-Winkle Roast Turkey or Quorn Fillet, served with Yorkshire Pudding, Peter Rabbit's Roast Potatoes and Veg, followed by Flopsy, Mopsy and Cotton-Tail Chocolate Cornflake Nests. Pasta and Jacket potatoes will still be available. School meals to be ordered and paid for in the usual way The children will be taking part in Experience Easter in school on Thursday 28th March. We hope you are able to join us in the Hall after school on that day to celebrate and experience Easter with us. If possible, please bring the correct change to purchase refreshments, we have limited change available. Juice and a biscuit 50p or hot drink and a hot cross bun £1 ST LUKE’S EGG ROLLING CHAMPIONSHIP! Children can bring in a decorated hard boiled egg to roll down the ramps! Prize for the best decorated egg per class and prize for the egg rolling champ… who will it be? Egg rolling timetable: Tuesday - Y2 & Y4 Wednesday - Y3 & Y5 Thursday - Reception, Y1 & Y6 £1.00 per roll.
Chocolate Bingo
The Friends of Skerton St Luke’s will be holding a Chocolate Bingo night in the school hall on Wednesday 27th March at 5.00pm (doors open at 4.30pm). Please come and join us and bring your friends!
Fun for the whole family
Amazing chocolate prizes to be won
£2.50 per book, pay on the door
Class Photo Day
On Monday 29th April, ABC Portraits will be taking whole class photos in every year group. Please send children to school in full uniform on this day.
Easter at St Luke's and St Chad's Church
St Luke’s and St Chad’s are joining together for services and activities over Easter. Please come along for any that you can attend.

Head Lice
A number of parents have contacted us about children having occurring bouts of head lice. The only way to get rid of head lice in schools is for ALL parents to regularly check and treat their children’s hair.
Please check and treat children’s hair over the Easter break so that all children return head lice free. If a child has hair of any length it should be tied back at every opportunity. This will also stop the spread of head lice.
For more information on the treatment of head lice please follow this link to the NHS website:
School Meal Price Increase
We have been informed by Lancashire Catering Service that the price of school meals will go up by 10p from 15th April. Therefore, when we return after the Easter Break, school meals will be £2.50 per day. Please ensure any outstanding balances are cleared by Friday 12th April and accounts are topped up prior to your child having a school dinner.
Dates for your Diary | |
Tuesday 26th March | Y2 & Y4 Egg Rolling |
Wednesday 27th March | Easter Gardens to school, Easter Lunch, Y3 & Y5 Egg Rolling and Chocolate Bingo at 5pm |
Thursday 28th March | Y1 & Y6 Egg Rolling, Experience Easter & School finishes at 3.20pm |
Monday 15th April | School back |
Monday 6th May | Bank holiday |
Monday 13th May | SATs Week - Y6 |
Friday 17th May | Y6 to Salt Ayre Climbing Wall |
Monday 20th - Friday 24th May | Y6 Trip to Isle of Man |
Friday 24th May | School finishes |