Newsletter 6th February 2020

Please take a little time to read our newsletter which includes important information for you as a parent or carer. This weeks' newsletter covers Young Voices, School Aid 20 and looks at the Christian Values we explore in school and endeavour to live by every day.
Christian Values underpin all that we do
As a Church of England School, our Christian Values underpin all that we do and enable the children to develop a moral and spiritual awareness. Each half term we focus on a value which is displayed in all of our classrooms, the entrance to school and in the hall, using images and quotes from the Bible and elsewhere, to help the children fully understand what they mean and how they link to their own lives. The gifts of generosity, compassion, courage, forgiveness, friendship, respect, thankfulness, trust, perseverance, justice, service and thankfulness are the values we want our children to leave with and we have a two year rolling programme to ensure our values are fully embedded into our Christian ethos. We seek to explore the meanings of these values and their significance through weekly acts of worship delivered by Mrs Armistead and members of the clergy. Ethos Group lead worship about the value every half term during which they introduce the creative homework.
For an overview of what we have been looking at this year and for the remainder, please CLICK HERE.
Lancashire SEND Partnership
Parents, carers, young people and professionals have all been involved with creating the new values for the Lancashire SEND Partnership. They are:
Inclusion: Belonging and involvement
Integrity: Honesty, trust and fairness
Respect: Value, regard and reliability
These values will guide the way we behave towards each other and help create a culture of understanding.
Lancashire SEND Partnership would like to share some important information with you about the changes taking place by CLICKING HERE.
Snuggle Up With A book
Wow! What an amazing turn out for our “Snuggle Up With A Book." The feedback from parents and children was so heart-warming we are so pleased the event was a huge success! So many people have asked about future events; keep your eyes out for a summer themed picnic event. For more pictures from the evening, please CLICK HERE to our Facebook page (no account needed).

Young Voices 2020
Well done to our 60 children who joined the Young Voices choir of 7826 children last week at the MEN - what an amazing performance!
Next week on Wednesday 12th February at 10.45am, all children in Yr3, 4, 5 & 6 will sing the songs they learned from Young Voices for family and friends. Please come along if you can. The video taken by Ms Leong and photographs of the event will be shown. In the meantime, please CLICK HERE for available photographs of the day on our Facebook page (no account needed).
The official Young Voices DVD can be ordered on Parent Pay for £9.99 (orders in by Thursday 13th Feb).

School Aid 20 on Saturday 15th February at The Bobbin
There is just over a week to go for the 'Gig of the Year' with School Aid 20..... A massive amount of organisation has gone into putting School Aid 20 together, it has already attracted a lot of interest with the local radio station Beyond plugging the event. Promised is a full weekend of entertainments with a superb line up of bands and artists who are all donating their time to a good cause. As Skerton St Luke's is a nominated school, along with The Loyne, we will each receive 50% of funds raised on Saturday's event
It all kicks off at The Bobbin in Lancaster on Saturday 15th February at 12 noon with free admission to a day packed full of entertainment. There will be a raffle and auction with collection buckets for your donations. Please try to support School Aid 20 by popping along for a few hours with the family, buy a raffle ticket, take part in the auction, donate a prize or pop a few quid in the collection bucket. As we say..... admission is free, its for a good cause and it will surely be a memorable weekend!
Families with young children are welcome up to 7pm then adults only until late.
On Sunday 16th, School Aid 20 concludes at The Exchange in Morecambe to support West End Road and Morecambe Bay Primary Schools.
For more information, please CLICK HERE for the School Aid 20 Facebook page.

Valentine Disco 13th February
The Friends have arranged a Valentine Disco next week. All St Luke's children are invited and tickets cost just £1 (includes hot dog, drink and sweets). Tickets are on sale at the school office.
Reception & KS1
4.30pm to 5.30pm
KS2 (Yr3 to 6)
6pm to 7.30pm
We kindly ask that you collect your child/ren promptly from the disco.

School Uniform
We have had a number of parents asking us to confirm what our school uniform policy is. Here are the basics for school uniform. For a full list please CLICK HERE
Red sweatshirt with or without school logo. PLAIN white polo shirt, grey or black trousers - not tracksuit or jogging bottoms.
Red sweatshirt or cardigan with or without school logo. Grey or black skirt or trousers - not tracksuit or jogging bottoms.
PLAIN white polo shirt with our without school logo or PLAIN white blouse. Alternatively, in summer, a red and white striped/checked gingham DRESS.
PLAIN white, black or grey socks. Grey, black or red tights are acceptable. Multi-coloured/striped/bowed socks or tights are not acceptable.
Footwear: Sensible, low-heeled BLACK shoes not trainers. Trainers are suitable to be changed into for outdoor PE/games, but not for everyday general wear. Suitable, sturdy BLACK boots may be worn in winter. If suitable footwear is not worn, children will be asked to change into black pumps during the day.
Community Notice Board
We like to share community news and keep you up to date with events in and around the area, courses that might be of interest and clubs you or a family member might like to attend. Please visit our Community Notice Board on the school website by CLICKING HERE. If you would like to add to the page, please send the details to
World Book Day 6th March 2020
It is near that time of year again.... World Book Day !!!
Children can come to school dressed as their favourite book character for the day. Please do not feel the need to shop for a costume, instead get creative with your child and design and make something at home. More information will follow after half term.
Parents Evening
A notification will be released on our school APP very soon prompting you to book your child's Parents Evening appointment on either Monday 2nd March or Thursday 5th March. Please make sure an appointment is booked. If you do not have the school APP, please contact the school office asap.