Newsletter - 1st March 2024

Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your strength. Love your neighbour as yourself.
A huge thank you to the organisers of School Aid. This year their fundraising managed a donation of £1300. This money is gratefully received and will be used to enhance the main playground for the children in school.

Red Nose Day
Friday 15th March
This year for Red Nose Day we are being asked to ‘Do something funny for money’. What could be funnier than wearing your clothes inside out or back to front! Children can come in their own clothes but worn in a funny way – inside out, back to front, all mixed up etc (No underwear on your heads though!)
Bring a donation to come in your funniest clothes.

Chocolate Bingo
On Friday 22nd March we will be holding a mufti day. Please bring in a donation of chocolate for the chocolate bingo prizes. Please make sure your donations are in date as these are used for raffle and bingo prizes. Nut and dairy free prizes also needed.
The Friends of Skerton St Luke’s will be holding a Chocolate Bingo night in the school hall on Wednesday 27th March at 5.00pm (doors open at 4.30pm). Please come and join us and bring your friends!
Fun for the whole family
Amazing chocolate prizes to be won
£2.50 per book, pay on the door.
Monday 25th - Thursday 28th March
This year we are in school for Holy week so we have lots of activities and experiences planned to celebrate EASTER.
Easter garden competition (optional) - design and create an Easter garden to depict the Easter story and bring to the school hall on Wednesday 27th March.
If you're looking for ideas, search Easter gardens using a search engine and be inspired!
One winner per class for the most creative design and a certificate and 10 Dojo points for taking part.
The winning gardens will be displayed in St Luke's Church over Easter weekend.
Experience Easter - During Holy week each class will be learning about the Easter story and preparing a station around school to tell a part of the story. We would love for you to come in after school on Thursday 28th March to visit the stations with your child/ren.
3.20pm - 4.00pm - Refreshments will be on sale. Please bring the correct change.
Juice and biscuit - 50p
Hot drink and a hot cross bun - £1
The annual egg rolling competition - Miss Cokell will be running this event when she is teaching through the week in each year group. Miss Cokell will share further information via the Class Story so keep checking to know when to bring a hard-boiled, decorated egg into school.
World Book Day
This year the theme for World Book day is "READ YOUR WAY!"
We will celebrate World Book Day in school on Friday 8th March and invite you to dress up in age-appropriate costumes as "HEROES and VILLAINS".
Children can choose their favourite book character or hero or villain from a story – HOMEMADE costumes are preferable. It is NOT necessary to buy a costume nor is it to dress up.
If your child chooses not to dress up, perhaps they can dress a doll, teddy or design a pebble/rock as their favourite book character, hero or villain instead.
“Share a Story” will run throughout the day where we invite you to enjoy reading with your child then take part in a whole class shared reading experience.
Refreshments will be available to purchase - please bring loose change with you.
Pre-school children are welcome, and of course, if you would like to dress up yourself, you are most welcome. Staff are already busy planning and making their costumes.
Please see the time below that your child(ren) will take part in “Share a Story” to join us.
The children love you coming into school to be part of their learning, even the older ones so please come along or send someone who can.
If you have more than one child, you are welcome to come along to each year group event.
Entry at the Hall door
Y6: 9.00-9.30
Y1: 9.40-10.10
Y2: 10.20-10.50
Y3: 11.00-11.30
Y4: 1.30-2.00
Y5: 2.10-2.40
YR: 2.50-3.20
Together, let's celebrate World Book day 2024 to READ OUR OWN WAY!!! ‼
!! Don't forget to grab a free book using your £1 book token - sent home with your child last week (while stocks last at WHSmith or Waterstones in Lancaster City Centre) ‼

Dates for your Diary | |
Friday 8th March | World Book Day - Heroes and Villains |
Friday 15th March | Red Nose Day - Wear something funny for money |
Monday 18th March | Parents' Evening |
Thursday 21st March | Parents' Evening |
Friday 22nd March | Non-uniform day for chocolate prizes towards Chocolate Bingo |
Wednesday 27th March | Easter Gardens to be brought to school & Chocolate Bingo - 5pm start, doors open at 4.30pm |
Thursday 28th March | Reception to visit Lancaster Library. Experience Easter. School Finishes at 3.20pm. |
Monday 15th April | School back |
Monday 13th May | SATs Week - Year 6 |
Friday 17th May | Year 6 to Salt Ayre Climbing Wall |
Monday 20th May - Friday 24th May | Year 6 Isle of Man Residential |
Friday 24th May | School Finishes |