Welcome to Early Years at St Luke's!

At Skerton St Luke’s we strive to provide a first-hand experience and exciting enquiry-based curriculum within a happy, safe learning environment. Our aim is to provide a setting where, with careful nurturing, every child will learn to express themselves confidently and develop to their full potential.

The Early Years Team

Mrs Goodwin is our Early Years Reception teacher, supported by an amazing team of teaching assistants, Ms Mullineux, Miss  Stanborough & Mrs Marshall act as Key Workers. We are looking forward to creating a partnership with you to ensure together we provide your child with every possible learning experience and opportunity to succeed and become life-long learners. This has a huge impact on your child and their development.


Mrs K Goodwin Mrs K Goodwin

Teaching Assistants

Miss J Stanborough Miss J Stanborough
Ms K Mullineux Ms K Mullineux
Mrs N Marshall Mrs N Marshall


Star Of The Week


Headteacher Award -


Reading books come home twice weekly on a Monday and Friday for you to share and read together. Reading books are carefully selected and chosen for your child to ensure they can use and apply their prior phonic knowledge at home to practice decoding words and recognise tricky words to develop early reading skills, fluency and comprehension. 

Reading at home with your child is so important and is the best way to support your child's learning. 

Suggested home learning will be shared weekly at the end f the week on the Class Story on Dojo to consolidate what your child has been learning in school - this provides extra practice and builds confidence and independence.


The Start of the Day

The Early Years gate opens at 8.45am where the children are greeted by a member of the Early Years Team. Please make sure that your child arrives by 8.55 so we can register and start our exciting learning on time! The Early Years gates will be locked by 8.55am. Access after this time can be gained via the School Office where a late mark will be given.

Buddy time: Playtimes and lunchtimes

When your child starts school, they will be assigned a "Buddy" from Y6 as they settle and transition into school. The Buddies roles are to provide 1:1 support as and when needed and ensure every Reception child is happy and safe during playtime and as they start to have lunch in school. This builds gradually over the year and further opportunities are planned for Y6 Buddies to read to our Reception class, play games to encourage counting skills and lead sport activities.

PE allocated time: Wednesday (am)

Children to come dressed in their PE kit.

PE Kit:

House team t-shirt – Red, Blue, Yellow or Green

Blue/Black shorts, leggings, jogging bottoms

School cardigan, PE hoodie or school jumper


Additional opportunities for movement and physical activity are planned and delivered daily through Continuous Provision.

Computing allocated time: Laptops and iPads accessible during Continuous Provision daily.

RE allocated time: Friday


The Reception Learning Journey

The Reception year is called the Early Years Foundation Stage. We aim to lay the foundations for lifelong learning across the Early Years curriculum. The children have access to both inside and outdoor learning environments, whatever the weather. It is proven young children learn most effectively through play. 

“Children learn as they play. Most importantly, in play children learn how to learn.” -O. Fred Donaldson

Our Early Years team together to plan and facilitate meaningful learning experiences and opportunities for the children. We follow the Statutory Early Years Foundation stage curriculum, 2021, which develops children's learning through three prime areas of learning (Personal, Social and Emotional Development/Physical Development/Communication and Language) and our four specific areas (Literacy/Mathematics/Understanding the World/Expressive Arts and Design). The children's learning and development is evidenced in Area of Learning Class Floor books, individual Writing books and electronic portfolios on Class Dojo. Dojo is a learning platform that we use throughout school to share key learning, messages and key information, specific to each class. As your child starts school, you will become a member of Dojo and the Early Years team will advise as to how you you create a Dojo account to access school and class information.

Learning at home…

There are a number of ways you can help your child to learn at home:

See below 'how to help' documents for activities, ideas and games to play outside of school. 

Evidence of children's learning or exciting achievements happening outside of school can be handwritten on WOW slips and sent into school, or shared electronically with staff in your child's Dojo portfolio. We love to see what your child gets up to outside of school so please share any observations of learning and photographs of key moments with us. 

Open Afternoons are every other Wednesday until 4pm for you to view your child's learning or speak with your child's key worker or myself as class teacher. We will also inform you of lots of exciting opportunities when you are invited to school to take part in Whole School events, Parent Workshops and to learn alongside your child within an Early Years environment. 

And finally……. We really want you and your child to be happy during your time at Skerton St Luke’s Primary School. Please feel free to communicate with us via Dojos or if you wish to make an appointment to come and speak to a member of the Early Years Team should you have any problems, concerns or worries or if you wish to celebrate and share good news, please contact the school office to make an appointment to come in.


It’s a lovely community. We all feel like a part of St Luke’s family. My child loves her teachers and knows other members of staff. It’s lovely to walk into school and people know my child’s name and always say hello to her, even teachers from other classes or Mrs Armistead.


I know when I drop my kids off they are happy and safe and they both enjoy their time in school.


Thank you for not only teaching my daughter but also caring for her. She’s really happy at school and is making great progress in all areas of learning.


The staff have been so supportive of my child with Special Educational Needs. They are amazing and it makes me confident that my daughter is well looked after and if she has any problems they will help.

Parent of a child with SEND

The Reception Open Day really showed the school in a good light. The Headteacher showed us round and knew all of the pupil’s names. All of the children we met were friendly and polite but more importantly they were all smiling whilst learning.

Prospective Parent

Teachers are very helpful, friendly and approachable

Pupil, Year 6